Friday 15 May 2009

Windows to Ubuntu

I have been a MS Windows user since the products were first launched back in the 1980's. About a month ago I got so annoyed at the time taken to boot my laptop into XP and the constant disk thrashing and lockups that I decided to make the change to Linux.

My laptop is old and relatively slow (800 Mhz) so I suppose that it is not all Microsoft's fault that it was running like a scooter with two twenty stone passengers. The choice I faced was simple, buy a new laptop and continue with Windows or try Linux. The download and or the CD for Ubuntu are free but I needed a printer which was recognised by Linux; mine was a Lexmark X1150 and I knew from the web that it just wont work with Ubuntu. I took the plunge and bought the cheapest HP I could find, the D2560. It cost me about £30.

The first thing I did was to copy to CD all my photos and any music I had stored from downloads (legally of course). I then put the Ubuntu CD into my drive, switched on and selected install. This, of course blows away everything on the hard disk and loads Ubuntu and a huge range of totally free software, easily a match for MS Office. I then downloaded the latest HP printer drivers for Linux from HP's website and I was in business.

My laptop now loads up in under 2 minutes, doesn't sit there disk thrashing, doesn't get viruses, I check it every so often with a free antivirus package I downloaded, and does not crash every hour or so! That is what I call a result.

One of my favourite 'Windows' packages was Google's Picasa. Lo and behold, they do a Linux version! It works just fine. The same is true for Skype. Sure, I have had some 'challenges' but with the help of the Ubuntu community I have resolved all of them. I don't think I could be more pleased


  1. We seem to be in much the same boat! I started with MS-DOS back in the 80s and am currently running a desktop PC with XP and an old desktop with Ubuntu 9.04 which I'm just starting out with. I hope to have completely moved to Linux this year but I foresee some problems - I need MS Word for working from home. My clients' files are all doc format and I need to run some specialised macros in MS Word. Not sure if Open Office can handle that. Not sure about running Word with Wubi yet but when I get it all sorted I'll blog about it:

    Good luck with your blog and I look forward to reading about your journey to Linux.

  2. Thanks mate!

    The link is now on the original post but if you want to look it's

    Just going to view your blog.
